
Design rough.

Immediately,we received design from the Bulldog's like this.

Actually,we wanted to decide the design with everyone.
But those items shall not be ordered in two hours,starting at Everest Expedition and that in time.

Though,I decided to move forward on.

About flag,will consult lately with everyone I do.

The number pieces of items.

This time,the production budget of 100,000 JP pay.
The bulldog,the estimate has been raised.
Can batch  \100
Flag  \500
Large flag  \5,500
Can batch   300px100 JP pay=30,000 JP pay
Flag   100px500 JP pay=50,000 JP pay
Large Flag  2px5,500=11,000 JP pay
Total  91,000 JP pay
I decided to order.
In addition,can batch is 5 US$ and flag is 10 US$ sold in the local.
If we can sell all,it will be 2,500 US$.
And it will be 200,000 JP pay in the current exchange rate.
Of course,all of them is donated,through the Red Cross.
We'll try to be a lot of donations more!!
Anyway a little stock are here in Japan's office.
In Japan,it is saled,can bacth is 500 JP pay and flag is 1,000 JP pay .
Someone who wish to purchase,please let us know♪

Decision of design.

Creating of can bacthes has alreay started.
But all the staff gatherd,so we discussed again of them.
After all,
the theme is pray for Japan from Everest,so we decided to put "From Everest" what it just in time flags.
Were in the initial design,AG's website URL is cutted because it is not advertisement.
But it was entered the batches.
I just want to say...
To everyone who bought it,I'm introducing this blog project.
Have a watch at all that for good.
(Even though,I can not turn back.)
Well,looks like the bulldog,the new flag's design was completed.
Now we will.